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Mead is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey mixed with water. It’s low in alcohol content at about 3.5% and high in probiotics. While some tout its health benefits, scientific evidence is lacking.

Mead is a closer relative to beer than wine as it’s brewed and fermented in a similar manner. Truthfully though, Mead, like beer and wine, is its own category.

A drink from ancient times, Mead was discovered before both agriculture and ceramics. That’s old.

It was produced throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia. Mead – it’s what the Norse drank in their mythology, and the drink Greeks waxed poetic about. The Welsh and Irish, too. It’s also what Hagar the Horrible drank.

Shop for Mead online at You’ll find Bu Viking Blod 750, Viking Mead Bliss, Bu Dansk-Mjod 750, and Celestial Miel Noir.

These can be delivered to your doorstep within an hour. Not everyone likes beer or wine, so these may be perfect for the oddballs among you.

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